Words of helplessness

This sad story has a happy ending. Read all about this dog family’s destiny:
Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

A story by Raya

Just a regular, hot, week day in June. Coming back from my lunch break, at the entrance of The Mall on Tsarigradsko boulevard, I see this:


First I thought it’s an abandoned puppy. Тhen I saw this individual in his twenties, his shoes torn, half naked, I could see his ripped underwear sticking out of his pants, dirt under his fingernails, bad teeth, scars on his head and partly shaved hair. He was sitting on two travelling bags, sipping beer from a 2-liter bottle, asking the passers-by for cigarettes. 2 more poppies next to him. A girl says to him “Have a nice trip to Amsterdam” and enters the mall.

Staring at the dogs, I thought he found them and is trying to find them a home, so I asked the man if he wants to bring them to Bogrov shelter. His response was – he is not giving them away, but selling them. All of a sudden, a security guard comes out of the mall and brings the mother of the pups. My heart breaks looking at her – a walking skeleton, her pelvis is as thin as the palm of my hand, but she happily waves her tail and goes to everyone, with her brutally hanging breasts. The security guy tells the young man to go away, so he aggressively starts kicking the travelling bags and moves the dogs away. He offers a dog to each staring person, says he sells them for 10leva and claims they are beagle-pitbull-something else mix.

The puppies look half-alive, one has its muzzle swollen, they are about 45 days old. We bought water and dry food and all of them, together with the mother started eating, while the individual washed his hands with the water. He explained that the mother is 2 years old, and he feeds her with meat, says she even weighted 10 kilos less before, but she “looks after herself” and even “takes care of him”. He tells me that when he travels, she goes with him.

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We propose to buy all the 3 pups, together with the mother, so we can find them a good home and neuter the mother, but he says he sells only 2 of the pups and he would never give away the mother аs she is too dear to him. Later on he said he would give them all for 1 000 (500E). He claims that if he doesn’t sell them, he’ll look after them.

During all the time of our conversation, the mother ate at least a kilo of dry food and drank at least a liter of water while he kept pressing her bony body harshly towards the ground, making her sit.

I feel a lump of helplessness in my throat. I wish this waste of flesh and blood does not exist on this planet, rather than breeding this dog and making pitiful attempts to make money out of his puppies. He looked homeless, didn’t have money, but surely has many problems. Still, I didn’t feel sorry for him, but for the animals he creates and tortures.

I left with my head hanging – it’s because of people like him that we have so many strays, while people like me don’t have the power to do anything, but watch this nightmare happen over and over again.

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