Zoran’s life begins anew!

18 dec seslavci
Zoran at the municipal pound

CLICK HERE FOR A VIDEO we found – Zoran in the beginning of December, wandering in a Sofia mall

Zoran is an Alaskan malamute, about 3 years old. Lost or dumped, he found himself on the street. Someone found him and tried to locate his owners. Then, during a walk he lost the dog and Zoran was out in the street again. A few days later, the second man who found Zoran calls the police. He claims he is attacked by a dog and needs help fast. The policeman who went to investigate the call tells us that he found this person’s apartment covered in blood. The man had no signs of any injury. The dog ley in a pool of his own blood, pieces of cut-up skin hanging from his paws and face. The municipal catchers took Zoran to the municipal pound. That is where we got him.

This is all dry facts. Our interpretation is of no consequence. It is a fact that no aggressive dog would allow anyone to butcher it alive without striking out. And that didn’t occur. No aggressive dog would let anyone cut off half their nose without trying to bit the hand that holds the knife. And no person in the world would assume a “defense-technique” of cutting off pieces of skin from his “attacker”. Which is exactly what happened there.

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Zoran all stiched up and standing at our shelter (with Lilly and Katya checking him)

Thanks to your generous help and kindness, Zoran recovered nicely. His nose will never heal completely, but otherwise – he is as good as new. The only thing standing in the way of the perfectly happy outcome was the fact that we could not find the right people for Zoran.

We tried to rehome Zoran once, here in Sofia, but it didn’t go well. Although the family was very keen to make him one of their own, his howling was a huge nuisance to their nighbours and Zoran came back.

To Zoran’s great relief and happiness an angel took Albena Gavamogova by the hand and brought her to Bogrov. Albena, a young lady who owns what is possibly the most stubborn female husky of the Balcan Penninsula, came looking for Zoran especially. Of course, he did his best to behave like a totall ass – growled at her, didn’t want to walk on a lead and showed his most horrible self to her.

Unimpressed, Albena took over with a smile, a few quick pulls at his lead and a gentle, but very firm touch. It took him 5 minutes of totall shock to realize that Faith had brought him together with a person who understands him completely, but Zoran fell in true love with Albena!


Congratulations, Zoran!!! And THANK YOU, Albena, for having him! We know he will be the happiest of dogs with you! He so deserves this!!!


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