Two cases from the Bogrov clinic

So many good news and we are beside ourselves with joy for all the adoptions. But that doesn’t mean shelter life is all pink flowers – we have never been so overcrowded, the shelter staff is dying with exhaustion. We chose two of many, many cases from our clinic to tell you about, because they are very typical in our line of work.

The pyometra

A desperate owner brought his poor pitbull – she had been ill for a long time, the treatment his doctor suggested – totally inadequate. The dog was left in a horrid condition for days on and on, until finally the people decided to bring her to us.

D-r Stankova operated her immediately, removing something that must be one of the worst cases of pyometra we had ever seen. Sadly, it was too late – she had too much unnecessary drugs, too much infection, too much time had passed. See a PHOTO here if you have a strong stomach.

The poor girl passed away in her owners hands. Every single person in the shelter cried for her.

For Heaven’s sake – neuter your dogs on time, people! It’s a shame how many die of pyometra every year…

The chain

Embedded collars are a shelter specialty along with the endless infectious diseases we get at the shelter. Especially here, in Bulgaria where keeping dogs as live doorbells is a must for every peasant house.

Karabinercho is a poor dog that had a huge metal chain link embedded so deep into his throat that it actually affected his breathing. Day after day the poor guy lay in his own fasces and urine covered in parasites with all this pain. And then he was kicked out on the street in this condition.

We got him because the Municipal catchers had been called to catch a “very dangerous, very aggressive” animal. Which for the local idiots is another way of saying he is a large dog.

But we will fix him. And that is a promise. He will be a shiny, happy, energetic dog and by Gods will he will have a home where he will be loved and cherished. And he will never, ever, ever be chained again. Ever.


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