
The dogs’ new owners – Ms Jelepova and young Mr Maxim at the Bogrov shelter

Two incredibly lucky dogs – Cherry and Richie went home to people who have been helping Animal Rescue Sofia for years. We have to mention them together – Mr.Richy and Mrs.Cherry should have already figured out that they have won the Jackpot!

Cherry was adopted by Petia Malakova’s family. We have known these wonderful people for 2 years already. Their sweet boy Maxim rarely missed our events and we couldn’t help, but wonder – when will they find the dog that is perfect for their family? No more wandering – Cherry’s arrival put an end to it.

Photo 1: Cherry with her new family
Photo 2: Cherry with her friend – Betty

Cherry is a 5-year old dumped pet. She was found and rescued by Betty – a girl we once considered to be our youngest volunteer, who grew to be a responsible young lady right in front of us. Everything bad in Cherry’s life is now behind her. From here on – it’s only downhill and sunshine for the little girl.

Richy is a boy who took quite some time to recover from the damages street life had brought to him. He was found by kind people in a pool of blood. He had to got through a major operation and even got a blood transfusion (he can now boast to be a German Shepherd too!). And just when everyone thought his misery is over, it turned out he was ill with heartworm. But nothing can slow a guy like him down. Together with his wonderful fosters he went through all the nightmares and made it.

Photo 1: Richy recovering
Photo 2: Richy with his new family

When he was finally ready we posted his add. But we didn’t hope for much – would someone notice this poor black boy? Oh, he was noticed all right! And not just by anyone. Richy was adopted by volunteer Mariana Jelepova and her partner! He is already living his dream life with them. Well done to all involved!

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