To love a cat

“If you don’t know what you love, you’re lost”

It happens so easily, so delicately, amazingly and whole-heartedly. Total lack of resistance from all your senses… anyone who’s been close to a cat knows. And it’s no wonder so many people are alert, saying they don’t like cats much, in the fear of becoming foolishly in love with a fluffy tail and a couple of spikey moustache. Try if you don’t believe us. Take Maurice.

Maurice, as any self-conscious cat doesn’t even need props in his heart-catching spectacle. He is so natural about it – cuddling, purring, and being perfect in all. He got his hygiene manners at a 100%, although he does chase his tail from time to time, proving he is not the genius we all take him for. Maurice is OK in being alone, but also LOVES dogs. He is a quiet boy.

One of Maurice’s eyes is slightly tighter than the other, he was found ill with a herpes virus when he was a baby, but he recovered completely. His soul was not at all damaged by being lonely, ill and on a death row – he knows he’s been made for a better future.

Maurice is looking for a home with  someone to love and be loved back!

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