Over the rainbow

A sweet female dog is brought to the shelter for neutering by the municipal company Ecobalance. It comes from a Sofia neighborhood. After being checked and defined as healthy the dog is neutered and set to rest in the quarantine block. Everything seems fine at closing hours. In the next morinig the staff finds the dog deceased.

Our vets become anxious – what if this is the first bad case after 3500 Spay/Neuter procedures at the clinic? The body of the dog is stored for an autopsy as soon as there is a free hour in the surgery room.

Next – the people in the neighborhood don’t get their dog back. The municipal team tells them the dog has died at our shelter. Telephone terrorism begins: Murderers! Creeps! Thieves! Monsters! No questions asked – the verdict has been declared, who cares about our good reputation, about our previous experience, our love for the dogs… We are murderers and that’s that.

We decide we shouldn’t do the autopsy ourselves. The body is brought to associate professor Manov at the Forestry University in Sofia. He issued an official statement:

In short, the statement says that there were no complications with the dogs’ spaying procedure. The dog has passed from a massive bowel bleeding. He suggests the dog has been poisoned with a poison that has catalyzed from the surgery anesthetic. The shelter doctors are not to blame for the animal’s death.

We don’t want any apologies from the people who spent days in harassing us over the phone. They’ve lost a dog – we don’t expect them to be calm. We only wonder – is it so hard to understand that we have nothing other than a good name? A good name that takes tremendous efforts to build, but can be destroyed so easily…

Rest in peace, you poor, dear girl… How was it your fault to be born in a world where sane people put out poison for innocent, helpless, homeless animals…

NB Professor Manov is the only authorized veterinary doctor for the post-mortem examination of animals. His Laboratory for general and clinic pathological anatomy is the sole authorized body that can produce official autopsy reports in Bulgaria.

Download a PDF of the report (Bulgarian only)

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