The samurai has gone home

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An Akita stamp from the beginning of the century; the famous Hachiko dog; a 17-century illustration of a bear hunt with Akitas.

“Akita” is the name of a prefecture in the Japanese island of Honshu. It has given the name to the one of the most ancient dog breeds – the Akita Inu. Bred for hunting large game these strong Japanese dogs were faithful servants to their people up to WW2. After the war, the breed was nearly whipped out, but recovered to become a pet – sought after its good looks and quite expensive to afford.

This boy comes from a registered kennel too. We can tell by the tattoo on his ear and from the way he looks – you can tell he was once a very proud dog. But, when we met him – he was just a nervous and confused abandoned dog. His owners had locked him in a kindergarten yard and disappeared in the night. Nether him, nor his tattoo were able to reveal the secret of his background and so, Abandoned-san became a permanent dweller in the shelter quarantine where he inhabited a tiny crate. From Honshu to Sofia… a long way to go for his Japanese genes to get to the Bogrov shelter…

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The Samurai turned out to be a strong, smart and healthy dog that doesn’t like being pushed around. We won his respect and he earned ours too. In the 6 months since he has been in the shelter – the right people never showed up for him. He is a dog for a calm, quiet family where his noble self can be left in peace and quiet. And in the same time he needs the space to roam, so he can keep calm and fit.

That’s why, dear friends, today is a day for a big Matzuri! The Samurai got his real name – Hachiro and is now a faithful servant of his Asen Zlatkov-Dono and Evdokia Zlatarova-san! What is more – the setting takes place in the most wonderful place possible – in a real mountain hut where Hachiro will be loved, free and most of all – happy…


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