Farewell and Good Luck to everyone’s favorite tripod – Tray!
The bus took off with 13 dogs and came back with 90 bags of food from yet another happy journey to our friends at Stibi’s Hundeparadies! We thank the restless Sandra Stibi and her wonderful team!
The human gang at Bogrov also received an unexpected present on this trip – tasty Easter treats for everyone! Well, we used to dream about being adopted abroad with our dogs, but – now we see distant adoption could also be an idea 🙂
900 kilograms of food are already being gulped down by the doggies that didn’t win the lucky ticket home for the bus this time. Here are the ones that did – one happy tripod, two tiny pooches and ten youngsters:
Two years ago you saw Iri and decided to save her life. She and 5 other dogs in the same condition were about to be euthanized at the municipal shelter in Seslavci for their skin conditions. We moved them to our shelter and they received love and care.
Iri – 2001 and 2013
Iri’s condition was very bad, but she did a well – instead of staying away from people, she became a friendly, lovable dog. Her scary story comes to an end finally. She is now at her new beginning with the people she will love forever – in Austria!
York is a 6-year old Yorkshire terrier. He was given up by his owners, but as you can guess – he didn’t have to wait long. The new Austrian finds the miracle that’s happened to him absolutely normal and hasn’t become humble in the experience. Good for him!
The little ones that grow up in the shelter rarely feel bad in our environment – they haven’t seen anything else and can’t complain about missing possibilities. The only possibilities they would have out in the street is that of being ran over by a car more quickly. So, we are very happy that we are able to create an opportunity of happiness for the dumped dog babies of Sofia city. This is the only chance they have.
These 3 babies are the last to go from a litter of 7 (the other siblings are already in Holland). Dennis, Charry and Lisa are impatient to get their lives as loved pets – life in the shelter quarantine is no fun.
Jacob and Jenny are siblings. They were dumped in the yard of a dog-friendly family in Novi Iskar (it can be a punishment to love dogs in the suburbs of Sofia). The kind people took care of the babies for a month while they developed an immunity to at least the most common infections that they would inevitably meet at the shelter. After that they came to the Puppygarten to await their turn. Well, it’s their turn now!
Leon is a little pup that was brought to us by Ecobalance. He never grew – remained about 5 kilograms, such a sweet and kind guy. Next to him you see Marie the teddy-bear. Her two sisters are already rehomed in Austria, and now her turn has come!
Janine is from an abandoned litter of 5. They were kept and vaccinated in a foster home. The kind people that wanted to help took care of them while they were vaccinated and ready to be admitted to the shelter. She was the last one without a home from her litter. Case closed! The other lady that smiles at you from these photos is lovely little Heidy – a dumped puppy that also comes from a foster home and has been in the shelter for a couple of months. Good luck, sweet angels!
The little terrier that was picked up from the street in Slatina neighborhood has got her new Austrian passport and name! She is now called Minie and is a loved, spoiled Austrian dog!
Terry was just a little baby when she found herself lonely and defenseless in the street at Ovcha Kupel district. She was found by kind people who found her injured, most possible by a kick in the face. Luckily, nothing was broken and the little girl recovered quickly without any grudges. She lived among her friends at the puppygarten for a while and is now well taken care of in her new Austrian home!
Mister Tray has been your friend for a while now. He came to the shelter last summer with a whole litter of little black gemstones as himself. Sadly, that was the time when we had no bus to transport the dogs and the many Puppygarten puppies we had – grew up with us and became permanent dwellers. Tray was the most playful in his cage and was always in the center of every game – he must have hit his elbow and not shown signs. When we saw him limping one day – it turned out he has cracked his joint and needs an urgent surgery. You responded immediately, but the operation didn’t succeed and later on – his leg was amputated.
The amputation did not bother Tray one bit! He had gone through the procedure along with his best friend Chocho and both boys helped each other keep a good spirit about the new situation. Good luck in Austria, Tray dearest!
And a new beginning 🙂