The sad Benji

When Ognyan adopted Benji a year ago we were thrilled. For some reason, the good dog had lost the love and care of her family, and we were very happy to see her be cared for again. Ognyan and Benji came to most of our events – happy, fulfilled, true best friends.

Sadly, not all good stories get a good ending. Insuperable obstacles turned Ognyan’s life around and he was forced to bring Benji back to us.

We will not describe the unbearable sadness of their separation. The situation was heartbreaking. Benji was crushed and overwhelmed, everyone was crying… To Benji’s amazing luck one of our most devoted foster moms was in the shelter at the same time.

Witnessing the sadness of this separation, she couldn’t bare it and decided to offer a foster home to Benji whilst we are looking for a new home for her. Now Benji has the comfort of  a great foster home and it seems to be working for her.

So, Benji is really a WONDRFUL dog. She is neutered, vaccinated, healthy and has all possible good manners. She is only 5 years old, but has already lost her happy home twice. Benji deserves her “happy ever after” and will make a most wonderful pet!

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