Roni – the child of misadventures

There are stories that everyone should read. Such stories grab your attention forever. Stories that we remember like miracle adventures that went through the eyes and the mind.

Do you remember Ronya – the bandit’s daughter, favorite of all bandits, born in an extreme storm and got to know all danger of the surrounding world? Dark eyed dark haired, flexible, agile and fearless? Well, coincidence or not, but this story’s heroine – Roni resembles immensely this wondrous girl and her adventures.

Roni is also a kid, and as such naïve and trustful, besides being infinitely charming as soon as you take a look at him. Maybe because of this, or because he went through the road of challenges so early, by the age of 8 months, he was seriously injured. He has a plate in his leg, which is now healing, but he was probably not jumping over a deep chasm made by a lightening in a stormy night to get it. Fortunately, he met other fairy creatures besides grey dwarfs, tailed goblins and midnight trolls. Good hearted people took care of him and helped him while he was fighting Ghana and parvoviruses while he was so small and fragile.

So Roni is one kind four-paw kid, hardened by life with the hardest experiences, but challenges are now behind his back. The only thing left is that his broken paw heels so he can step bravely on his paws and run freely waving his tail. To blossom like every child happily and cheerfully, Roni needs love, dedication and of course a little bit of care that would help him become even braver.

Roni is in a foster home and although he is the favorite of his foster parents, he expects his bandit’s to become a leader of their hearts, so they can ravage the treasures of bliss, content, happiness and joy. Vaccinated, dewormed, hardened and fearless. Woof!

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