Richie – the black diamond

This black magnificence is called Richie, he is 2 years old. The fluffy sweetheart has not always been that good looking however. Found in February, laying outside at negative degrees, in a pool of blood in the snow, Richie had some long hours of pain, hunger and cold ahead, while waiting his premature death. Fate however placed him on the road of his rescuer and a volunteer of ours, who took him out of his dark future.

She took him to a vet, who found a huge wound next to the bone of his back paw. After an emergency surgery and blood transfusion, Richie started getting better, sun started to shine on his road. Not for long however – when a heartworm test was done to him, he appeared to be diseased. The treatment was expensive, painful and long. Richie proves to be a strong pup, who wants to live and win no matter what, so he jumps that obstacle as well and the treatment was successful.

Finally, he is absolutely healthy, so Richie wants to jump the last obstacle to happiness – to share his life with loving owners. Currently, he is in a foster home, but he can’t stay there for long. He is hygienically trained and promises to be the best and the most loving friend. If you would like to adopt Richie, please contact us.

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