A home for sweet Lara

This is the fith dog from our “Lara list” to leave the shelter, the second one this month – must be a lucky charm. Congrats to all sweet Laras and their great owners! This here lady was adopted by a volunteer in the shelter – Eti Bobeva:

Lara’s adoption

Eti saw Lara for the first time on her first hours in the shelter. She was absolutely terrified (as any new dog is) and spent her “walk” shaking in Eti’s hands.

Their friendship, as you may imagine, started immedeately. Eti helplessly fell in love with the little one. Naturally! She is such a sweet, loving dog. And so lucky! The shelter is full of dogs of her color – we call them “shepherides” – if Lara had lingered on with us – she would have remained stuck ion a cage for many long months.

Lara as a baby outside

But, she was obviously born under a lucky star. Her life began in a warehouse, half-homeless. A kind woman from the neighborhood fed them, but Lara’s siblings siezed to be one by one. Only this sweet lady got her vaccines and was able to be admited to the shelter where she found her new fabulous best frend on the very first day! How great is that!?

Loving her new life as “Ariel”

By the way, Lara now boasts a new name – Ariel! But we still beleive she had the lucky “Lara”star shining over her quick adoption. Perhaps we should think about naming all our 500 angels “larry”and “Lara”, we should give it a thought…

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