Those two words can describe the weekend in Bogrov absolutely perfect because this is what it was – very sunny and positive, filled with the smiles of our wonderful volunteers and the feeling of a job well-done. And let’s not forget about the pleased wagging tails of our dogs and well walked paws. Such a nice picture!
It’s not big news that we have walked all of the dogs as it has become something regular but we will never get tired of repeating it as this is one of the little joys in the lives of Bogrov’s dogs.
And now let’s tell you about this week’s walks. The shelter got full with enthusiastic volunteers; amateur photographers which photos we plan to use for this and future articles; and a lot of good mood. The walks went normally – with a dog or two running free from time to time creating some perturb for the newly came volunteers and making the senior ones run a little.
Ilina and Metody continued with the mowing of the grass which started last week. They spent most of their time doing this hard work for which we are very thankful! Besides some old friends came to visit us and that made the atmosphere even more cheerful and friendly. Of course they also helped a lot with the walks and made it possible to take out all of the dogs from the outside pens. As you know this is something for which we don’t always have enough time.
On Sunday the usual suspects – a.k.a. the senior volunteers – were missing but we were well replaced from some of the regular volunteers – Emo, Pesho and Milena who did really great work with the walks. Well done! We promise to use your great skills again – as you know once you got involved you can’t get out 😉
So, that is exactly how great the weekend was! We are expecting you again. Until then you can enjoy the lovely photos from the walks!