Paul the unique

Paul is a dignified, wise, friendly, elegant, beautiful, athletic, kind and lovable male cat of about 4 years. Looking at him you may assume there is a cheesy story behind this boy, but it is absolutely untrue. Our poor Paul has been through quite a lot to get here, and his journey is still not done yet, he still has to find his way to the hearts of his loving new masters.

Paul was raised in an apartment, in the very city center. He had an owner who took care of him and was satisfied with life – he is not pretentious – some food in his belly, a warm hand on his head and a roof over his hear – that is all Paul needs to be happy. We can assume he was happy – he must have been, because he grew up to be such a wonderful animal. And he is such a handsome boy – cats like him must be greatly loved, that is for sure. Or almost?

This summer, most unexpectedly, Paul found himself on the street where he was befriended at a newspaper-selling booth. The kind people there fed him whilst he was getting used to the new life. It wasn’t easy for him, but he somehow managed. His kind temperament and generosity of heart helped him make new friends and he became the favorite cat on the block. It is a mystery to us how he was not taken home by someone whole 3 months. But perhaps he had a different destiny laid out for him.

The strange thing about all this (because we can’t pretend to be surprised that a cat is being dumped) is that his owner passed by him every single day – on her way to work. She took the bus from the very same stop he lived at and he ran after her with his most lovable meowing, hoping that she wouldn’t leave him this time.

Paul is vaccinated, neutered, dewormed, clean, smart, adorable and magnificent.  One of his eyes is darker – he has suffered a herpes virus as a baby, but is in perfect health. Paul tolerates cats and dogs, as long as they don’t push him too hard. He is a rarely handsome and large cat – he is loved by every single person he meets.

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