Our tiny Samoyed puppy got the most wonderful new owners this weekend. The little one had many candidates and thus got the chance to find the most suitable family. He is now with Yana Kirova and her two daughters Maya and Boyana!
Congrats to the new owners, they will keep him with the nickname he got at the shelter Meezie (it comes from the Bulgarian words for “little monster” since he howled like an idiot for a couple of days at the shelter office, despite being placed in the royal suite with Duncan). Boyana even made his name better by modifying it to Meezichko.
We are thrilled for Mizichko, you probably know he is a very strange little dog – a 4-5 month old Samoyed puppy who is no bigger than a cat. Obviously –such a special young lad couldn’t have not been noticed by such lovely young ladies. The news from their home is that everything is perfect, Meezichko walks perfectly on a lead and spends all his time chasing around Maya and Boyana!