Maya’s huge agility success

Maya and Nasko working out

Last summer Yana and Nasko adopted Maya from the Bogrov shelter. She was then just a tiny puppy and nobody could have guessed what a big and energetic dog she will become. But – she did and her family that was picturing a calm, lazy friend in their minds had to dismiss that idea and face the fact that they had a little wildling in their home.

Instead of wandering what to do, Yana and Nasko quickly figured out a way to exploit the never-ending energy Maya has – they signed her up with the Agility Club – Bulgaria. To noone’s surprise Maya showed herself as a true agility goddess! After only 3 training sessions she went to her first competition and scored the 5-th place from over 30 contestants!

After that event, the agility club moved to new grounds where they had all the necessary equipment and training continued as hard as ever. Nasko and Maya continued to work out and focused on the details in their nearby park in the spare time. Meanwhile they began training Maya to working with disabled children.

So – the additional training proved to be worth it. At the club’s largest even this year Nasko and Maya were third in the basic (A0) level!!! This week there was also a big contest in Belgrade that they wanted to go to, but – unfortunately – it was too expensive for them. Still, their colleagues secured the first and second prizes for Bulgaria!
Regards and good luck from us to the amazing Ianevi family – Nasko, Iana, Michaela and Maya!

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