45 dogs and cats now in Holland, Austria and Germany!

As winter approaches we do all we can to find homes for more of our puppies. Our dear bus Kalcho has now returned from a very fruitful journey to Austria, Germany and Holland with the amazing total of 45 animals on board! 7 cats and 38 dogs said goodbye to Bulgaria and now have begun their happy ever after lives in their new motherlands.

The senior citizens must go first:
Happiness came after all for our sweet old boxer lady Alma. She is already in her new Austrian home where she is greatly loved and cared for.  Alma is being super good and has made us proud. Here are a few photos from her new owner Claudia who can’t help but wonder why such a sweet dogs was abandoned. Here are the first photos from Alma’s new life:

The other old dog on this transport is Jacob the Kurzhaar. He was found in Chelopechene in the summer. The good old boy would have had a really hard time at the shelter with the winter coming in. Here are his newcomer photos from Germany with his fosters. We can only wish that there was so much love for every good old dog:

Here come some famous puppies! The little ones were dumped as tiny sucklings and were very lucky to be fostered in a good family. Take a look at their baby photo, puppies are such amazing creatures!

3 of them left and one will stay with his fosters forever, but we will be telling you more about it later on.

Ador! Ador the adorable! A wonderful creature that we have had for years, even though it’s completely illegal to keep angels in a cage. Good guy did appear to be a chew toy to the other inmates from time to time, but he managed to handle them and retained his wonderful attitude. We are very glad he has finally found love!

Charlie and Rebecca are two out of 8 dumped puppies we got. The two were lucky to have had a foster home and they know how great it is to live with people who love you. We are very happy for them!

Jimmy and Nina were amongst the smallest ones at the shelter. They had quite the freezing time in the first cold autumn days, so we are very glad they left the shelter before the real cold stepped in:

12 (not counting Alma) new Austrians! We begin with Molly, Seidy and Mira – the sisters of the two little foxes that we sent on out previous journey. With a huge satisfaction we can put an even huge-er stamp HAPPY END on the file of this litter of abandoned babies. Such good girls, they so deserve this!

Two sisters again – Lilly and Carrie. The two girls (pointless to specify they come from a dumped litter) have been with us since day 25 and we saw them turn into lovely, friendly, kind young ladies. They will be greatly loved, we can be sure of it!

The lad with the kind gaze is Shrek. This sweet boy was found as a suckling together with his sisters. They were lucky to have gone into a most loving foster care where their destiny was sealed with huge efforts and when they were big enough for the shelter, we took them in. Shrek sends you his regards!

Yet another dog that was lucky to be fostered – Chocho.  He is a sweet small guy with a kind disposition. He would have remained totally unnoticed back in the shelter, we are very happy he found the way to happiness.

Sofi and Aya look so much alike, but don’t actually have anything in common except for being such sweet angels. We can only regret that we will not be there to see them enjoy their lives as much as they are supposed to.

And the other three Austrians – Mango, Ray and Flora. Three good, lovable, cuddly and friendly babies. All of them from different litters, all of them the first to be rehomed from their packs. Hopefully they will bring luck to the others as well and all 3 litters will be quickly rehomed.

Bobo and Boris, two babies that were hand-reared from the very first days of their arrival in this world. They have become such tall boys it is hard to imagine they were ever the size of a human palm.

Lucas has been with us from his first month, and that is 1,5 years for him. Such a friendly, good dog, too bad he missed all those wonderful moments that a puppy has with his people. He has much to compensate now and we are sure he will:

This little black-brown jewel’s name is Inna. She is also one of ours and has been in the shelter since she remembers. That never made her feel sad or anything – she is just one of those animals that feel well in any environment.

Poor girl Rexy had to go “from the pavement” – we never found a foster for her, so she remained on the street whilst we sought a home for her.  It’s sad that a dog that was obviously bought, was then dumped with an ill leg as if it meant nothing to anyone. We are very relieved she will get love and a treatment in Holland.

It took Nana a long, long time to find a place, but she is finally there. She is one of those animals that make friends everywhere, so nothing is a problem to her.

This here funny guy is Vader the puppy. He was found dumped in the woods, but that never made him feel sad or unwanted, Vader is one of those puppies who are sure the world wants them. And we can only bet he will be the first to go home from his batch.

Vito… so many tears were shed for Vito by his kind fosters, but – nothing to do, in order to help more dogs, they had to let go. The sweet guy had been with them for 6 months. This is him as a puppy and now:

Lora has had an owner for quite a while, but was not healthy and needed to go through a very long treatment. We are very glad she left finally! Her new mom is Josie, one of the Dutch vets that came to the shelter to help out volunterely. She loved Lora from her first visit and now the time finally came for the two to live happy ever after!

7 sweet cats found their new lives in Holland! Each one coming from the street, they have a lot to thank their fosters for.
Dobri, Chuda and Spas are brothers and sisters that the mother’s owns simply dumped outside when they were just a few days old. The trio was hand-reared with great care. They waited for quite a while to find loving owners here, but it didn’t work out, so they packed their bags and left:

These sweet clones actually have nothing in common, besides looking so much alike. Tutsa, Yanny and Ollie are sweet, friendly, curious ladies with sweet temperaments and until recently – no future.

Tutsa was found outside as a baby, Yanny was dumped in the hallway of a building and Ollie was found injured on the street… Typical stories with a very unusual happy ending.

Unique and one of a kind is only Vin Diesel. The story of this lovely boy began with a non-stop meowing marathon till with the help of a meatball he was extracted from a tiny hole he had gotten into. He was then fostered until he became shiny, white and mores trusting, now ready to go. He will be so fast to adopt! Even before he says Meow!

HUGE thanks to our foreign colleagues for sending us food, crates and everyday materials we so badly need at the shelter. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING, DEAR FRIENDS!!!

Our special regards to drivers Mitko and Tsvetan who did a great job on this journey. We thank all the fosters and also the volunteers who are so helpful with the socializing and walks of the animals. We thank the donors who never stop helping and change so many lives to the best, the lives of the most hated animals, the dogs and cats from the streets of Sofia.

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