For a second year we had the young Dutch vets Mechteld Jansen and Felicity Barnett come to volunteer at the shelter. They did a great work and brought us a great spirit, like we’ve said before – we are lucky that this work introduces us to many wonderful people from all over the world.
See Mechteld and Felicity adopt Roro and Sivcho the year before
As the two girls had taken oaths with their families to not adopt any dogs from our shelter this time – they had no choice. An oath is an oath, so two cats went to Holland this time – Oscar the Persian and Mama.
Congratulations to the lucky souls, we will prepare homeless hamsters for them next year.
Congratulations! A little after her visit with us – Felicity got married. We wish Felicity and Derk a great happiness! At their wedding they asked for “donations, not flowers” and raised 200E for a new shelter!