Avra’s luck

A story by Nadia


It’s Tuesday night. We’ve just came home from work in the shelter, we walked our own dogs and are finally resting. Me – answering e-mails; Svetlio – making new t-shirt designs.

Suddenly a dog begins to howl just outside the door. We open it only to find a barking little cocker, barking and crazy as it sees us. I am immediately taken by anger – we live outside the village, our closest neighbors are kilometers away. Someone has abandoned this little dog in our yard! And I have a flashback-memory of the moment I told everyone at the shelter that “the next person who admits a dog will be going home with it!”… Damn! A foster dog at home again.

With a heavy footfall the tiny lady came closer. And when I say heavy, it means a heavy footfall – she made a lot of noise walking. Although she was such a small little thing, she had kilos of dried-up mud stuck on her paws. It was like she had horse-shoes and her walking was difficult and painful. We offered her a bath and a treat.

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She turned out to be a teenager.  It took her about five minutes to make sure she has come to the right place and quit being a fuss and switched to I-own-this-place behavior. She jumped on the bed, chasing the 30-kilos permanent dweller off it and slept like a log on our heads all night long.

In the morning we walked around the village and gladly realized she was not dumped, but lost and her owners have been searching tirelessly for her since Saturday, when they came from the city for a picnic and she escaped. Although blond, the 9-month-old cocker lady had the wits to howl in front of the right door.

However careful we are – any of us could lose their dog. So – don’t forget to put a medallion with your number on your dog’s collar. And please, don’t walk past the lost pets you see in the street. They can’t make it alone and anything could happen to them outside. Don’t forget – tomorrow, it could be your favorite pal in their place.


Avra’s meandering had a happy ending – at the moment she is eagerly waiting for her owner and will soon be at home. Sometimes little things are of great importance. Don’t be afraid to do little things, dear friends. A little gesture could be lifesaving!

Happy end:

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