Edit 19.04.2013
Dear Angels of Misho,
you have saved his life once over again!The funds for his medication have been raised. The treatment will be a long one, but the family that wants to have him has agreed to wait as long as necessary.
Misho asked us to tell you that he thanks you from the bottom of his heart. And that he hopes you could be as happy as he is!!!
We met Misho for the first time in October 2012.
He was brought to us by the municipal catchers – caught on the street for neutering at our center. When they took him of their bus with the rest of the dogs, it was obvious something is not right. The skinny, shivering dog turned out to also be blind. So, we admitted him to the shelter. This is his first day:
In January, settled in, happy and confident, Misho had still not gained the weight we expected, and we were feeding him very well. We decided to take him to the Central Vet Clinic to find out why. There, he was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.
Thyroid problems can be corrected with pills. When the dose was adjusted we gave him pills, food and love in the right quantities. Week after week, blind boy Misho of the Bogrov shelter became a strong, loving and merry dog:
Despite his blindness, Misho coped really well! He learned to faultlessly distinguish keepers and volunteers, rattled his bowl at feeding time, walk with the rest of the dogs on weekends, enjoy every single moment spent with his most favorite creatures in the world – people:
We sent out Misho’s photos and story – it seemed impossible that this angel will linger caged forever, we hoped that his people are somewhere out there. And last week Lady Luck smiled at poor Misho. Thanks to the tireless work of our colleagues at Blind Dod Rescue UK – Misho was introduced to a family who loved him immediately!
Yes, Misho found his family despite the blindness, despite his lifelong thyroid illness, despite the thousands of miles that parted them.
And now he cannot go.
Dear friends,
yesterday, as we were preparing Misho for his journey, he was diagnosed with heartworm. The worms have cut off his way home – he is going nowhere.
Desperate, we thought that the people who said they’d have him will step back – it could be a 3 month long treatment, and a very risky one too. But we were wrong. His happiness in this family is guaranteed as long as we are able to treat and send him.
Still, the treatment for heartworm is very expensive, it also grows with the dog’s size. The entire amount of money, needed for the premedication, ultrasounds and treatment of Misho is 750BGN (385E). And that we cannot take away from the other 500 dogs. Even though Misho’s miracle has already taken place and he has a family who will love him.
His only chance is if you felt for him and all together we could raise the funds for the precious Immiticide treatment.
If you have an opportunity – however small it might be – donate for Michail by ePay, PayPal or bank AT THIS LINK. Any little help is appreciated and worth it.
Help blind Misho go home!
Donate, so his little heart can beat happily close to his new family…
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