An amazing Saturday and hard Sunday

This week at the shelter we had two absolutely opposite days of walks. At Saturday the shelter got full of people. At some moments there were more than 25 volunteers – such a big group we haven’t had for a while. With a lot of enthusiasm, cheerful mood and many working hands the pens went by one by one and before we know it we have walked 12 of them. It was a very positive and fulfilling Saturday of kisses, love, caressing, games and walks.

On Sunday things looked differently. We were only 4 volunteers at the beggining of  the day and that is how we started the walks. After the firts pen we left only two volunteers. Small by number we continued and walked two more pens only the two of us, hoping that more people will come soon. Although noone was coming we were determined to continue as long as we can. To see the waiting eyes of the dogs, the desire to touch them, to caress them and to go for a walk and at the same time to know that it might be impossible to do it for all dogs is really heavy. But at last help came – one girl showed up and with her help we walked 2 more cages with faster pace. Just when we started with the last cage 4 more people came 🙂 It is never too late for a little extra help but please keep in mind that we start with the walks around 11:30 and depending on the situation we continue to 15-16 o’clock.


Everything is good when it ends well! All dogs were walked and now they are waiting for you again for more adventures.

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