Dear kind, generous and wonderful people!
THE FUNDS FOR TORO’S OPERATION HAVE BEEN RAISED!Here is the information about his condition from doctor Vassilev, Central Vet Clinic:
The surgery has been succesfull to the maximum, the vets are optimistic. Little Toro is stable, he had some temperature earlier in the day, but is now better. He is very lively and (amazingly) has a good appetite.
Luckily, we have a foster home waiting for him, so his recovery will be in a safe and spoiling environment. For now he is at the clinic, recovering, as spinal surgeries are complicated and follow-up is always necessary.Thank you for making this miracle happen! Thank you on behalf of Itzo and Boris – the two good boys who remind us that things are not quite as bad as they seem.
With this wonderful news we wish you a happy and cheerful weekend.
“Hello, my name is Ivo, I am 12 years old. A friend and I found a little kitten under a pile of branches. We had to dig him out and took it to our yard. Its hind legs are somehow pulled out, I put him on a very soft place, gave him some water, milk and pate. Can you help us save the kitten?”
This is how our day begun. This is how we met the three-month old kitten Taro and his guardian angels – Ivo and Boris. This is how hope came back to us – not all is lost for our future – our kids are just as kind-hearted as we, their parents, are not.
We weren’t surprised when the doctors told us the kitten was most probably kicked. This is how people are here – they kick baby kittens. We weren’t surprised the cat had a broken back. It’s only 1,5 kilos – it doesn’t need much of a kick to brake. What surprised us were the two twelve-year old kids that had responsibly and tenderly cared for the baby, childishly relieved when they saw us – the grownups coming.
Taro couldn’t live like this, he needed an operation. An expensive and risky one too. If it wasn’t for these boys’ hope, if it wasn’t the love in their eyes when they asked us “Now what?”, is it wasn’t the faith they shared we would probably not risk an operation. Because we are not children and understand what “This will cost 700 BGN and the success rates are 20%” means. To the children the only thing that mattered is that their Taro is alive, that he wants to play with them, that he was hissing the dogs at the clinic, that he hasn’t stopped purring even for a moment. Everything else is adult nonsense…
As I write this Dr Vassilev is fighting for Taro’s life.
As I write this I wander what we will do if we don’t raise the money and it turns out we mislead the kind doctors at the Central Vet Clinic, losing their trust after we said “Operate him now, we will pay later”… Where will we take the next Riccardo, Bruce, Taro?
As I write this a four month old kitten is on the brink of death.
As I write this two children are hoping their love for Taro will be enough to save him.
As I write this, Ivo calls me every 2 minutes. And I don’t have the courage to talk to him. I don’t want him to know I am crying. That us adults are not almighty.
I don’t know what to ask you. The amount is outrageous. And we are lunatics to have done this. I only hope we are not alone in this madness. Because of Taro, his ridiculous purring and his concept of eating the doctor’s thermometer. Because of Ivo and Boris who bravely swallowed up their tears. And somehow, as a compensation for us, humans, because of the freak who kicked an innocent baby.
DONATE FOR TARO of you can. And if you have empty pockets just like us, send a good thought for Taro. And pray d-r Vassilev’s golden hands succeed this time!
P.S. I don’t know why we decided to do this surgery. We are supposed to be adults who make sober decisions and should listen to our brains, not our hearts. It is supposed that we should sometimes take the hardest decision and continue forward. Maybe despite all this bitter experience we have had we still remain childishly optimistic? Or maybe it is because Taro infected us with his strong will to survive? Or maybe it was the lesson that Ivo and Boris gave us? A lesson of kindness…