Glady went home

What? Glady again?! Yes, it is him – the abandoned, poor pitbull Glady who got this name because he is such a gladiator. He remained in solitary confinement at the shelter bathroom for quite a while. As you may know – there were people who wanted him, but he turned out to be a handful and was returned to us.

This time it’s for real! Glady has found the most suitable owner possible! His new master’s name is Liubomir Gerginov – a person who has experience with strong dogs – strict and orderly, but fair.

Liubomir lives in a house in Kostinbrod with his family that includes a 4-year-old girl. The reports are that our brown hooligan is being just a little dall, obedient and quiet as our predominantly-female, spoiling shelter hasn’t seen him often before. Congratulations!

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