Edit 16 July
The funds for these heroes’ treatments have been raised!
Dear friends,
we really need your help! Over the last few days we’ve had three new dogs come to the shelter who need special treatments. We didn’t leave them outside to suffer, but sheltering them is not enough – they all need more than a good sleep and strong food to get better after their encounters with the human beast.
Please, don’t pass them by, give them a moment of your time:
A large dog flies out of a window and lands on the ground with a splash. The screaming is terrifying, the police are called by a neighbor. As the officers question the owner he states “the dog jumped on its own”, “ah, fine then, have a good day”. Case closed.
So, instead of asking this “caring” owner to take care of him, Batman is surrendered to the municipal catchers and he is driven off to the municipal pound in Seslavci where he remained 2 days before we learnt of him. He is Batman, or Bary as he was called by his “human”. And although we can’t hate the guy without proof, we cat full-heartedly despise him for not leaving Batman screaming and scared after what was done to him.
As it is with 3-story flights – Batman’s surgery is complicated, and of course – expensive. To be correct – we have a great discount on surgeries with the kind doctors at the Central Vet Clinic, the expensive part of the procedure are the implants this superhero needs. All in all, his total bill sums up to the impossible 600 BGN.
Despite the great cost we decided the boy can wait no longer: his trauma was already 3 days old, there had been too much suffering on Batman’s account already and the success of the surgery has to do with its swift execution. D-r Zlatinov has inserted the implants successfully, the physiotherapy has begun, we pray for a quick recovery.
Batman will fly again, only not from windows, but of happiness – a good dog like him doesn’t deserve this kind of pain and hatred, he should be loved and appreciated.
This tiny girl weighs 8 kilograms and is about 8 months old. She was picked up from the street for neutering and we noticed her jaw was strangely thick at a point. When d-r Stankova examined her she found that teeth are missing, there is puss leaking from the bone and the thickness is a fracture trying to heal.
We took Foxy for x-rays and things became clear – she had 4 air-riffle pellets in her jaw. We had to take 2 mote teeth out and begin a complex and expencive treatment. Unfortunately, for Foxy to live and eat normally later on she will need a surgery. For now we must take the heavy infection under control.
So far Foxy’s bill has piled up to 185 BGN. Even cut to pieces and sold as “raw material” Foxy could not generate such an amount. If only she could pay in pain, she has plenty of that…
Toby is 2 months old. He was found in the street wobbly and falling on every second step – he can’t stand straight on his feet – they are too crooked and his muscles – too weak.
Toby couldn’t survive outside and he is not one who was born in the street. We guess he was purchased from a pet shop (or was dumped by a pet shop), but we are most certain that his abandonment has to do with the fact that Toby has a general problem.
The little guy has two possible diagnosis:
-he may have suffered a bad upbringing – lack of food, sunlight and movement;
-but he could also have a rare genetic disease that leads to a defect in collagen metabolism called Hunter’s syndrome.
This pea needs supplements, special food, an active lifestyle and swimming – he needs to tone his muscles to be able to move about better. So far his bill sums up to 240 BGN, and he will need more as time goes by. We hope he finds friends among you, because he has no one and nothing to count on…
And so, the price to spare the pain and suffering of these kind animals:
Foxy – 185 BGN
Batman – 600 BGN
Toby – 240 BGN
Totall: 1025 BGN
1025 BGN are just impossible for the shelter to spare at this time. Could you help?
To donate for any of the three heroes, please CLICK HERE – you can transfer by bank, or use ePay and PayPal.
> You can also leave a donation directly at the clinic register. Please, make sure you mention it is for the “Animal Rescue Sofia” bill.
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