They are two Deutsche Kurzhaars that share a common destiny – both were sad, unwanted, suffering pets, Simon and Myrte. There are many dogs like them – dumped outside, wandering and losing strength and hope… some survive and most don’t. But, our heroes have an advantage they did not know of. Your friends Moritz, Mimi, Jakob and Hermann already know the secret. And it is: that we have some amazing friends, ready to achieve the impossible to help a Kurzhaar or Drahthaar in trouble.
Today Simon and Myrte are no longer walking in darkness – everything bad is now far away and forgotten. The two little Germans are now in their true motherland (this is Germany’s most loved hunting breed), Myrte is in her new home and Simon is still waiting for the right people to come looking for him in his foster home. We will let their amazing photos speak for themselves, you will be able to easily recognize which are in Bulgaria and which from Germany.
OUR MOST SINCERE REGARDS to Gabi, Susann and Marion for bringing so many tragic stories to their happy end!