Hello there,
We are another group of the Bogrov’s . Just like the rest of the shelter’s inhabitants we share the same destiny – at some point, somehow, in some way we met the wonderful people in Bogrov. And that sure is not a bad thing as they feed us, clean after us, but most important they love us and care for us and try to find us a home. For the last thing to happen you should first know about our existence and what faster and easier way for that than to introduce ourselves to you. Of course you can find us in Bogrov where you can see us in our whole wonderfulness. But as many of you don’t have the chance to come and meet us in person accept the next rows as our candidature for your hearts and homes. We apply some photos so you can see us. Although they can’t represent perfectly our sweet faces and ask for a cookie or treat they’ll fulfill their purpose – to show you how we look. And now let’s start:
I’ll be the first to start. Who am I – Renly of course. I was born 06.2010th. If I have to be honest with you I’m wild dog. With all the energy I keep insight it’s absolutely impossible to keep quiet all day in the pen. I need walks, a chance to run and enjoy the wind. So if you want a friend for playing and outside activities, that’s me. I came in the shelter as a little puppy but I don’t remember how or why. It doesn’t matter. All that is important is my wild and free heart waiting for you to come take me home. I’m neutered and vaccinated. I won’t take anymore of your time because my other friends want to say hi too. And you know writing on that keyboard with paws isn’t easy or fast. And as we have an access to the computer for a while we’ll have to hurry. Bye from me. Hope to see you soon.
Hey there. I’m Fazan and I was born in 2009th. If you come in the shelter ask the volunteers for Mruncho (from mutter) – that’s my code name. A beautiful girl gave it to me as I don’t stop muttering during the walks. What can I say? If you had to share one pen with more than 10 other dogs and the same building with 489 more, you would want to complain to your human friends of all the noise other’s make. And to share how much you love the walks and how much you missed the volunteers during these 6 days. And as I see my friends only once a week for like 25 minutes I don’t have any time to waste in silence so I talk and talk and talk. You understood me, right? I’m just wordy. Oh, I came from Seslavci. When I first came in Bogrov I was one skinny puppy and very shy. I’m still calm and kind and sometimes shy but now I know that people are my friends, good friends. I love them with my whole heart and I know that someone will be very lucky if he/she takes me home. Uf, I run off again. I have to say goodbye now as Rickon and Bran are waiting to tell you their story. Love you, Fazan (a.k.a Mruncho).
We are Rickon and Bran, born 12.2010th, sons of the most wonderful mother – Charlotte, who you may know and is now happily adopted in Germany. Our lovely mom was abandoned together with us – tied to the garbage container. That is how the people in Bogrov found us coming to work. Mom was still breastfeeding us and we were put in a carton box. Now Bran and I are the only ones still looking for a home. We might be brothers but we are nothing alike. I guess that\s normal for every family. Brancho is still shy but he is the best brother in the world and I really love him. I’m sure that if someone adopt him he’ll become the perfect friend and will be just as social as I am. And Rickon always tells me that people are good and that playing with them can be so much fun. And he told me that someday someone will love me just as much as he does. Do you think this is true? Bran, I told – it’s true, you’ll see.
We really loved talking with you but now we have to go. There are so many more of our friends that are waiting to introduce themselves to you. We hope that you liked us, that may be you saw your best friend in us.
Your friends – Bran and Rickon, Renly and Mruncho