Our poor old Toby is happy, loved and very satisfied with the outcome of the recent events! He is now home with his wonderful new owner – Pavlinka Spasova! Let’s wish them loads of happiness and many long years together!
Toby is not the first Pekingese in Pavlinka’s life – she has had a few little friends of her own. Her heart couldn’t stand the idea of him being all alone and sad in the shelter, so she came right away after she saw his story. The spark between Toby and her was immediate – they became friends straight away.
Now Toby has his own house and his own yard to roam about when the weather is nice. Unfortunately, his trip to the ophthalmologist didn’t bring the results we had hoped for – his vision is beyond repair. The same with his wobbly walk – there is nothing that can be done at this point – it is too late to intervene. Now we can only hope that the love and care he gets from Pavlinka will be enough to guarantee him a prosperous old age and many happy years ahead!
You do not know Toby’s story???