These here boys are all former cats in trouble. Two of them found love in Bulgaria and three went to families abroad and are now new German residents.
We begin with Aladin, as it is absolutely impossible not to – he wouldn’t have it any other way. He was found on the street back in spring – he was in a terrible condition. What is more, he was absolutely wild and hated people. It took his wonderful foster parents a few months to get him used to a home life and treat his badly infected eye, but it all worked out in the end! Pretty and well behaved we put him out for adoption. He was found by a most amazing person – Nikolay Beevski, who had contacted us first about the Germans below, but then said “I can take any cat that is difficult to re-home” and thus – was sent to meet Alladin. And the two simply loved each other! We are very happy about this outcome and wish them great happiness together!
Aladin today and when he was found
Mio is a 6 year old male cat. He has always lived inside and is a very sweet and social boy. But one day things just got upside down in his home and he was sent to live with kind relatives. There, a cat allergy came through and Mio’s re-homing became a very urgent situation. But, he was born under a lucky star! A little while before that, we were contacted by Mila Kulinska – a kind lady who offered a foster home to a cat. We immediately got in touch with her and Mio was quickly transferred. Well, you already know this story also ends well – the good cat went to the good people and stayed with them forever!
The gentlemen Edgar, Sig and Magelan have Cat Friends Society to thank for their new lives in Germany:
Magelan is always first. He must see and check out everything new and interesting. Reaching into a drawer? Before you know it Magellan will already be in there with you. He just can’t help himself, he is sooo curious! He is also very cuddly and always ready to play, friendly and well-behaved.
Mr Sig may look a bit Chinese in this photo, but is actually very handsome and well-looking. He is the ultimate good guy. And also he is a bit of a loser in the pack – he is always last to grasp the new stuff and his brothers use him as a cushion. He doesn’t mind at all, he loves it! If he is not cuddling with them, he will follow his fosters around the house purring and gently touching them with his paw, begging for some hugs. He is irresistible!
Now here is someone very special! The smartest, quickest, bravest and most unusual cat! He is so kind and sweet and in the same time – stable and dignified. The only thing he differs from his brothers greatly is that he gets worried when you lift him up, so his cuddles are very funny: he would make small ambushes around the house for you – throwing himself on the floor in front of you just to get belly rubs and pets. He will also always follow you to the toilet and shower, no one knows why, but he simply MUST be there, haha!
And this is how small the three stooges used to be:
Yeap! Lucky, aren’t they?
As you know, we can’t keep any cats at the shelter, we keep them in foster homes. If you would like to help us, please, contact us! We really need more helping hands for our kitties.