We are proud to present the 30 lucky dogs that found their new happiness with our colleagues in Germany! Our new best friend Kalcho took them safe and sound to their new homes, to the joy of us all. Here they are, the lucky bunch:
We begin with everyone’s favorite – Hanna! She is a dog that everyone loves, but sadly her appearance doesn’t show the glamorous soul she is. We have had this kind girl since she was a tiny puppy, she’s been waiting for love to come her way for a whole year. So kind, so friendly and gentle, she couldn’t find a way to melt someone’s heart here. She is now happy in Germany!
After so much complications and troubles (the family was supposed to leave for their new homes back in July when we went buss-less) Mommy Rott and her 3 mongrel puppies are finally with their adoptive parents. We got her and the pups from Ecobalance, her owners had dumped her in a park with her babies and the municipal catchers had broken her leg when they were loading her. It was a huge story with her operation, but we managed. She actually turned out to be a wonderful, friendly dog when she was finally left alone. With the family also left sweet Rottweiler boy Neron.
Granny Bonka from Kremikovtzi also got the golden ticket from the lottery. We have ended our work there since this month (will let you know more about this later on), but have “stocked up” on the social dogs from the factory. Bonka is one of them – such a sweet and friendly little dog, she will have a comfortable end of her life after so much hardship.
These two dogs from Seslavtzi have our vet d-r Stankova to thank. Martha and Alaska are both taken out from the municipal shelter and prepared for the road by her. Dogs like them are hard to place – they are not young, they are not light and they are huge in size. We are very glad things turned out all right for them.
Diva and Viva are 2 years old. We’ve had them for a year, we also have one more sweet sister of theirs with us. We really love bearded dogs, but seems that they aren’t at all liked here. Thank got they are liked in Germany, we are sure they will be very popular!
Samantha is 2,5 years old, she spent 2 of them in our shelter. She and 4 of her sisters we took from Seslavci after they had been neutered at an early age. It was not a good idea since they were very skinny and had a drop of immunity. They had picked up a couple of infectious diseases, so we had to take them quickly. You should have seen how miserable they looked when they were small! Nothing to do with the gorgeous fat ladies they became whilst with us.
This is Biscuit – a dog that is always smiling! A fun, lively, sweet creature. One of those that spend their time hanging on the cage walls in hope that someone would pay them some attention. She too, like Hannah was too simple-looking to be noticed and couldn’t convince anyone to take her home. She will make a kind Frau happy in her new German home.
Brumbar, meaning “beetle” in Bulgarian was found sitting in a pool of water. He was lucky to have had a foster home where he learnt to be a sly, mischievous pup, an evil mastermind of his own kind. He was also in our famous Art show here in Sofia. Good luck, you sweet mongrel!
These babies only have their photos just as we got them. They are the dumped puppies of an owned dog, only this time they were not dumped in a cardboard box, but in a plastic milk crate. We’ve had them for a short while, so they didn’t even get to have names. We are glad these puppies will never know what it’s like to live in a cage.
Ta-daaa! Another Granddad – old drathaar Astor has gotten the most unusual luck! He, who has probably never ever been truly loved by anyone and was by all means supposed to die lonely and caged in our Nursing home – found a family in… Canada! He is flying from Germany and the sweet (also rescued) chicks on the second photo below can’t wait to have him in their paws!
Another shelter favorite – it’s Rony! He is about a year and a half old, we’ve had him ever since he was a little puppy and he has always been an absolute sweetheart. It’s sad that we couldn’t make his dreams come true earlier, but – better late than never! Rony will have a very happy life with his new family, we are sure of it.
Adios and farewell to another of many, many huskies we have at the shelter. Ms Kora is a sweet and delicate (no, it’s not a joke – there is a calm husky on this Planet) and well-behaved blue-eyed girl. She looks rather shaggy on these photos, but she is a stunning beauty when she is not rolling in the dust. We picked her up near Yana train station where someone had dumped her a while ago – Kora had no idea what to do on the street, so she waited. No more waiting, dearest girl!
Roxy and Sophie look very much alike, but come from entirely different backgrounds. Roxi came to us brought by Ecobalance, her owner had died and the family didn’t want her. When we saw her we realized her kind owner had brought her in for neutering just a few months ago. Really sad. Sophie on the other hand doesn’t have a sad bone in her body. She was also dumped by her owners with her 2 puppies. Both sweet boys are with us still. But we thought she should go, after so much had happened to her, she too deserved it.
Dilo came to the shelter as a 2-month old baby and simply got stuck with us. He became yet another invisible dog in the crowd of 500 attention-begging mongrels. The good boy finally got his chance, we’ve promised him tons of happy time outside the darn cage, he will be very appreciated and loved.
The three babies of kind mommy Cleo also left with this transport. Lady, Katiusha and Figaro are puppies born in a home by a pet mom. She was dumped, along with the newborns, near a garbage bin. She was lucky to have been noticed by a kind person, one of us, who offered her a foster home, otherwise, they would all be long gone by now:
Special thanks and regards to Mitko and Tony who took the dogs safely and soundly to their new homes!