An increadible day at the shelter!

Every weekend a small miracle happens at the Bogrov shelter. Thanks to a small group of devoted and kind people our 500 dogs get their moments of love and a walk outside the cage. This is how happiness looks in it’s most sincere form:

Only this weekend we had the most amazing event take place at the shelter! The people who train bikejoring here is Sofia came along with all their equipment for the many huskies at the shelter. Bored and caged the huskies went wild!

We need not tell you how happy the dogs were to be walked this way. It was absolutely amazing!

This is a genious idea and it really lets the dogs run with all their mighr. How great would it be if we could make this a routine, we only wonder how…

After the end of the day – the impossible happened – our huskies (cage 14) were sleeping tired and calm as never before.

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