The long road to happiness

“In 3 years we have re-homed over 1700 animals” – a message that wouldn’t impress anyone who has not dealt with the difficult ordeal of helping a homeless animal.

To find it, to take it home, to stabilize it, prepare it, find it a suitable place abroad, bring it there, count on decent partners who find decent homes… a long, long process that includes the efforts and dedication of many, many people.

Because we have so many animals we can rarely find the time to give you a detailed description of their stories.

The heroes in this tale, however, are already known to you – they are the so called “little lumps” as we used to know them – a litter dumped in a box by the heartless owners of the mother in last years’ spring.

tolkova mynichki
The beginning – first days at Anelia’s home

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Everyone all grown and happy – the kids with Anelia in the summer

It was the 25-th of April when these babies showed up in our shelter. Today, 8 months later we can stamp a huge “SETTLED” stamp on their case file – each and every one of these babies has settled down – all are happy and in their right places.

We asked their foster mother – our friend Anelia Kamburova to write their story for our blog, but instead – we received a list of thanks – an appropriate and illustrative list to show how much effort each and every one of our dogs requires.

So much effort to fix one simple mistake. The mistake made by the owner of these puppies’ mother who left her un-spayed and then cruelly dumped her babies in the trash at an age they couldn’t have survived. Here is  Anelia’s thank you list:

“- I thank the person who found the packet of puppies in the trash and brought them to a veterinary clinic.

– I thank the kind vets at the Central Veterinary Clinic who gave them a chance and contacted ARS.

– I thank Animal Rescue Sofia who took them to the shelter and looked for fosters.

– I thank the doctors at the Good Idea Vet Clinic who saved Boril and cared for the little hooligans as they grew.

– I thank all my relatives, friends and neighbors who helped me morally, materially and however they could. Special regards to my neighbors who were kind and understanding of the racket.

– I thank Animal Rescue Sofia once again who helped Karaman, Dora and Boil become Dutch – now Kay, Forrest and Moyra.

– Huge thanks to the partners of Animal Rescue Sofia in Holland who cared for the group and found them the most wonderful families.

– I thank Volodya, who helped raise these babies with all the love we could give them.

– To be sure I’ve thanked everyone – I also thank myself and the puppies too for being so very wonderful.

It was back in the beginning when Boril was still fighting for his life when Volodya and I made a promise to keep him in the family. Promises are made to be kept, so we officially adopted Boril just before the New Year.

And so, dear babies, I wish you loads of luck and happiness to the great joy of your owners!”

Myra Forrest
In Holland, with their new families – Dora, Boil and Karaman

So, this is it – a simple calculation – 3 in Holland, 1 in Bulgaria – all of these little ones are now living their second (and for Boril this must be a third) life.

Here is a short timeline of this “simple” story:
Foster home needed urgent  << April, the puppies are looking for love and care
4 babies, a transformation << June, the little ones are growing under the loving care of Anelia and her husband
45 dogs and cats now in Holland, Austria and Germany! << November, after quite a few complications, 3 of the little ones finally leave for their Dutch destination
>> December, Anelia and Volodya adopt Boril officially (he is the puppy whose life they fought for)
>> January, all are finally settled in their new loving homes – each has found a family most suitable to their needs and temperament.

Boril_bebe Boril2
Boril as a baby and today with Anelia

We send our kindest regards to all our foster and adoptive parents, volunteers, donors, colleagues and adherents – ARS is a combined effort of all these people, together. This is something very unusual for Bulgaria where everything and everyone is splitting, dividing, splitting, chipping off…
As it says on the National Parliament “Unity makes us strong”, dear friends. Thank you for your support!

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