The alien (or the new gas heater at the shelter)

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The dogs are curious about the alien

Most unexpectedly – the prohibition of smoking in bars, clubs and restaurants let to a whole month of delay for our gas heater project. The lamps for external heating became the most desirable item and – we missed ours by a moment. Thus – we had to wait through the whole of December and only got our lady of choice “Elegance” in the first days of January. Now, our new friend stands like an unusual alien in the hallway between cages 14 and 16 in the large dog building.

We thank the generous people who donated for the lamp are:
Natasha Stoyanova, Albena Haralampieva, Katya Motseva, Kristiyan Banatsyanou, Lora Nencheva, Aneliya Vasileva, Preslava Dimanova, Za Balgaria team, Zornitsa Nacheva, Dimitriana Hristova, Ekaterina Rashkova-Gerbrands, Mihaela Grueva, Radostina Buneva, Neda Kuzmanova, Preslava Stoeva, Yana Angelova, Marina Shinovska, Vesela Velcheva, Natali Farah, Irena Todorova, Diana Borgodzhiyska, Margarita Balabanska, Anna Dimitrova, Elena Vasileva, Nina Dimitrova i Elizabet Danielova!

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Valko putting the lamp together

The people who took care that the lamp would have gas to work with are Virginia Barova who sent a donation for it, and a young couple from the Dutch city of Gouda who organized a charity event.

Are you curious? Well, this is what Ekaterina and Peter came up with: they organized a fundraiser in the Bulgarian School in Leiden, encouraging people to donate 10, 20 BGN for heating fuel. They made a special presentation about our work in the shelter and tried to engage as many people as possible. They did a great job!

The special thanks go to:
The kids and parents from the Bulgarian School in Leiden, the Netherlands, Erica Dane & Rene van Geesbergen, Karnoe Dorenbos, Table Tennis in Gouda, Antoaneta Dimitrova, Angela Tzoncheva, Daniela Piccio & Irene Bueno, Assia Rashkova, Stefan Rashkov, Nadejda i Rashko Rashkovi, Dimitar Nedkov, Ekaterina & Kosta & Ivana Milevi,  Klasa po yoga na Eli, Petya & Paul!

Ekaterina’s and Peter’s adopted dog – Buba guarding the collection box

Today is said to be the coldest day this winter. And although one small lamp doesn’t make the 1000 square meter building feel like a Bahamian beach, the heat the dogs get in the night is precious to them. Thank you for helping, dear friends. Our dogs are lucky to have you!

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