Yotzo is wonderful. Kind, lively, playful, friendly… He used to be someone’s pet for sure. Someone must have bragged about their lovely brown labrador once. But that was a long time ago.
Long, long time ago indeed. Because when we first met Yotzo he had been living on the street for quite a while. He had developed a horrible glaucoma – a painful, blinding, heavy condition. He has had it for years for it to get this bad. This is how he looked when we met:
Yotzo is about 9-10 years old. He is a terrific animal. He is also completely blind. He will not spend this winter out on the street. He is now living with us, but would so much enjoy a true friend…
Here he is, the good old boy:
The worse of his eyes has been successfully operated. We will operate the second one too. Although he came in completely blind, his condition was very painful – he really became so happy when he got rid of the more painful eye… Who knows, maybe he still has a chance? Maybe there is someone out there who would help him live a few happy years after all this suffering…
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