Will “Franziska” bring us together?

As you know, whole summer we’ve been fighting, begging for money and discounts, bargaining suppliers and builders, whatever we can, we do it  ourselves. And all this is to make also the impossible and open our guest house (because we want to believe that every dog who got there, is with us only for a while, until its real people find it). For the moment this is the most important – to get the dogs in their warm home, before the winter.

In the background remained the reconstruction and opening of our future veterinary clinic “Franziska” . Although we have not stopped helping injured animals, creating a real clinic, which has quarantine facilities and operation rooms, laboratory and wards is one of the most important goals we have.

What would we do in this clinic?

We’ll list what we have already done for four years in our previous site:

– Over 6,000 stray and pet dogs and cats spayed/neutered for free;

– First aid received nearly 1,500 injured animals (767 dogs and 38 cats hit by cars, 2 dogs run over by a tram, 182 poisoned and 16 shot , 4 splashed with acid, several dozen cut and stamped by people);

– Hundreds are treated from distemper, thousands – of parvovirosis;

– 32 dogs are cured from heartworm;

– Stitched and washed thousands of wounds;

– Hundreds of animals cured from skin diseases.

And many, many activities, made completely free, with care, competence and love.

Of course, we can speak a lot, but it is better if you see it.
Here are some “Before and After”photos of some of our patients:









This is why, it is so important to have a clinic – to keep working like this, or even better.

We do not want to beg money from you. We want to invite you to a concert!

Come on September 18th at Mixtape5, and take your friends as well! Organizers, performers and hosts do it pro bono because “Franziska” and her thousands of future patients.

Each one of you is important – with your ticket you buy future for countless number of homeless animals!


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