“Three times, for good luck!”
Said to himself our giant boy Kudjo, after he has been adopted and left again twice. Can you believe, the second time he escaped from his “home” and came back to us alone! Probably, because he wanted to win the prize for “”Biggest dog 2013”. Here he is last year, posing with the smallest dog:
Today he left the shelter with Dragomir Donchev and we all have the feeling it is for good.
Kudjo has difficulties with the adaptation to a new place – the poor soul thinks our shelter is the best place ever and doesn’t feel safe anywhere else. This is why this time we are not sending him home alone. Dragomir decided that if he fosters Kudjo’s best friend – Merelin – the new place won’t be that scary for the biggest, but not exactly the bravest dog, we have. Merelin is great for this part – she is lovable and, as you see from the photo, extremely excited to explore new places.
Alex (yes, it was about time “Kudjo” to be changed with a better name) and Merelin will run free in a huge yard near Etropole. Of course, we’ll be there for Alex and Dragomir if needed – we’ll do our best so that he finally understands that in a real home is much better than a shelter…
Good bye, Kudjo! All the best and let’s hope you’ve found your real home this time!