Two fairies

Gabriela and Rafaela are 4-5 months old. Vaccinated and dewormed the two sweethearts await happiness to find them.

The girls are very friendly and sweet, love to be with people and follow them around. They are as mischievous and playful as any puppy, but are also eager to please and always ready for cuddles. The two are very fond of each other and would love it if they were adopted by people who have another animal to keep them company. But – beggars cannot be choosers, so they would be happy in any home, so long as they get the love they need.


Gabriella is a very fun girl! She loves to play and goof around, but she has a tender heart. The only thing she dislikes is being left alone, she always looks for someone to cuddle up to, even when she is sleeping.  She us smart, obedient and very loving! She always gives you kisses!

Rafaela is a delicate young lady. She too is smart and obedient. She will do anything to be petted and always finds a way to give you a kiss. She is a bit more independent than her sister and likes to be left alone from time to time. Mission impossible when you have Gaby for a sister!

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