Teddy Kosturska is a woman who… No, wait. Teddy Kosturska is a WOMAN. A woman with a huge heart, immense patience and an everlasting capacity for goodness. She is a baby-animal foster parent.
For the few years since Teddy has been actively involved with rescuing abandoned kittens and puppies she has saved tens, hundreds of innocent lives. The lives of creatures that would have died of cold and hunger out on the streets. Unwanted babies that kind “people” have dumped as trash – in the river, in the garbage bin or simply on the street. Humanely…
Teddy has raised tens, hundreds of babies. But the battle for each one is huge. You are probably aware that raising a blind baby takes 24/7 efforts – they need to eat every 3 hours, they are born blind and deaf, they can’t even poop and pee by themselves. Tearing a newborn from its mom only means one thing – a cold, lonely, horrible death.
Yet another three babies. Three kittens tied up in a plastic bag, dumped in the trash. With their umbilical cord still hanging. The man who’s found them is calling us wanting to leave them in the shelter – we try to explain to him that it’s impossible to raise such small babies at the shelter – he is getting angry… just a shelter classic. There is a minor detail though – this conversation is being held in front of Teddy Kosturska, sister of keeper Vessy Kosturska, who has come to help at the shelter with her sisters. She hears the sad conversation and… you know what happens, right?
10 hours later the guy that found the babies finally gets them to Teddy’s house. One of the babies is gone. The other two – hanging by the thread. Teddy grabs their lives and holds them to her heart, as strong as she can. And they survived. They got special names as well – Indira and Perun. For luck. They obviously have it. Hope it’s forever.
And here is the story of the little ones, who are now big, strong cats, told for you by Teddy Kosturska:
…They arrived at my home on September the 4-th, after a guy called at the shelter saying he has rescued 3 kittens from a trash bin. He didn’t find a way to bring them immediately or at least the same day. The next day he brought three miniature mice (60 grams each) with their umbilical cords still hanging and in a horrible state. It was too late for the third kitten, it died less than an hour later. Indy was peeing blood.
The raising of these kittens wasn’t simple – we did have problems. They got very ill at 2 weeks, but thanks to their strength and the care of the doctors – they survived. I look at them every day and think what a miracle they are.
Indira is all grey, like a little silver panther. She is a very loving girl, she loves cuddles most of all and purrs like a little tractor. She is a bit more playful than Perun is, she loves to climb, but is not one of those crazy mischievous little kittens. She can also be jealous too! We had guests with a kitten and she was sort of guarding us to make sure we only hug her. But it was all fine and funny – she is just a sweet, loving little girl.
Perun is very cuddly too! He is a bit more lazy and doesn’t bother for mischief. He loves to pose for the camera and is a very charming guy. Both are absolutely healthy and well grown for their age. Only their tails are a bit broken, but that probably happened when they were dumped in the trash and it doesn’t bother them in any way. It just makes them more charming and special.