We wrote about Mina for the first time in late January. She was brought by owners who wanted to leave her after they figured something was wrong with her. We had to explain to them that the shelter is overcrowded, that dogs like Mina suffer in the shelter environment, that we will do all we can to help them treat her at home… They understood and left. Later on that day a keeper found Mina sad and tied to our garbage-container.
At the shelter Mina felt exactly as we expected. The huge unfamiliar animals, the many injured, the noise, the smell – it wasn’t easy for her to adjust. We made her a little corner at the clinic so she could be closer to the vets, she loves human company. There, she bonded with them quickly and got the nickname “Cushing”.
That is the name of the illness that has been troubling her – “Cushing’s syndrome”. It is a condition where the adrenal glands produce an excess of cortico-steroids. Her disease is exactly the opposite to that of Misho, our good blind boy. Unlike him, Mina got her diagnosis quite quickly. That wasn’t of comfort to her, because we already knew the expenses and Mina’s treatment was put aside in waiting for the time when this wouldn’t be a loss to the other animals at the shelter.
Two months later, that moment has come! Thanks to our kind colleagues at K9 Rescue Bulgaria who are her new guardians! Their help couldn’t have come at a better time and Mina’s treatment has already been begun at Nova clinic. Mina is going through special tests to determine the doses of her medication and will be taking her daily pills from now until forever.
When she is stable and her life on medications has become a routine Mina will be rehomed into a loving British family by our colleagues at K9 Rescue Bulgaria. We are very happy that this little angel has been found a way out of misery. She so deserves to be loved till the end of her days!