A bit late medical report

As we already wrote to you on Facebook – “our” dear d-r Zlatinov was away for a short while, so Calli and Stavri had to wait his return.

3 more dogs went to the CVC together with Stavri and Calimera. They are two boys you already know: Bruce the dogo and Popeye the Dalmatian-mix; and Chockoladka – a little girl we had to admit to the shelter despite the overcrowding with a fractured skull.


Little Calimera was operated successfully.
She is showing herself as a truly wonderful dog – we can only hope the wise person who will adopt her will come looking soon, she deserves all the love in the world…

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We have some amazing news for cyrios Stavros as well – he was actually lucky that he has to wait! The adjustment that we did the way we could, so he is at least in less pain, was not so bad and the kind doctor thinks there is a chance for it to regrow correctly without a surgery. For now, we continue the pain-relief and finger-crossing. Unfortunately, he also has demodex mange and will combine both treatments.

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Bruce the dogo was having troubles with his hind leg back when he arrived. We thought it must be the cold, hunger or just a trauma. Sadly, it turned out he has discal hernia and has to start drinking prednisolone. We hope it helps, he has seen too much pain in his life already.
Bruce’s x-ray was paid for by Kalinka Bozhinova.

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Popeye, the toothless Dalmatian had to return to CVC as well. His surgery didn’t go as planned, his bone simply exploded when he was having his joint resected and a fairly large metal plate was inserted to keep it stable. Now, despite the physiotherapy and long time passed – he is still not using this leg. The monitoring examination he had with d-r Zlatinov figured that the plate must be removed. We will know more about the results of this second surgery tomorrow.

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Chockoladka. She is about a year old. Chockoladka has quite a trauma to her head. We feared her skull was broken and the x-rays confirmed it. The speculations are that she was hit with a sharp, hard object by a single blast… no comment…

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And she is such an angel – one of the nicest dogs you can meet – just looks at you with her tail wagging. Her eyes are slightly out of focus – she looks cross-eyed at this point. Also, she carries her head tilted to the side permanently. We could only do the preliminary exam at our clinic, but the blood tests showed she has anemia from the blood-loss. At CVC d-r Zlatinov diagnosed her with a Central Vestibular Syndrome and also put her on steroids. The hopes are for her to recover completely.


IMPORTANT NOTICE! We kindly ask the donors who have made a donation especially for Stavry and DO NOT want their donation to be used for Popeye and Chockoladka, please write to office {at} arsofia.com so we can make an arrangement for the return of your donation.

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