The lucky bunch

Our Luckmaster 2013 award had to be split in two this year – it goes to the two tiny kittens you see here, we don’t even have any other photos of them! They are two of the cat-babies that idiots dumped in boxes not far from the shelter a while ago. There was no chance of having them fostered as we were overloaded with cats, so the poor babies had to be placed in a dog crate at our laundry-room – and that sux. Sux, but they must be the luckiest suckers! Because this was their opportunity to meet Veneta Nikolova!


Veneta had brought her daughter to the shelter – just to have a look arround.Doggies here and there – do you by any chance have cats too? Well, we certainly don’t but, you see, here is a whole bunch of kittens urgently looking for a solution. No need to say any more, is there? The little ones are now happy and loved in their new home! And thanks to you – their brothers and sisters have reached their safe heaven in Austria. But we will be telling you more about that miracle tomorrow. Today we must brag with the wonderful fact that there are so many great Bulgarians!


Lara number 6 on the shelter count is now happy and loved in the home of Ivaylo Petrov. Larka didn’t have to wait long – it was two months exactly from the day we found her running like hell on a busy highway and the day she was taken home by Ivaylo. We wish them many happy years of friendship together!

Kujo has gone home too! Our huge hero who despite his striking look spent quite some time waiting for his special person to find him spent many months shocking the shelter visitors with his massive presence and clever gaze.


The rascal has aquired a very patient owner – Merlina Radeva, who has invited him to live at her home with a garden! He is now nearly done with his night serenades, aimed at telling the whole neighborhood how much he misses his stinky buddies from the shelter and life with him is becoming more fun every new day. Merlina is sending us some photos illustrating Kujo’s lovely new life:

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Looking at him like this you couldn’t possibly imagine his mental condition and attitude when we first got him. Well, the name speaks for itself, so you probably can get the idea. And now, thanks to Merlina this is just a curious story to be told about the past of a very happy boy!

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