As you know, our 500 doggies have been receiving 300 kilos of dry food from our friends at Chicopee every month since February:
This month, along with the 300 kilos of food that were brought to us, the Chicopee car brought good news to the shelter – Mr. Anton Antonov and his colleagues will continue their donation for another 3 months!
Contrary to what most people expect – it is the summer months that are most difficult for us at the shelter, not the winter. Although the expenses and troubles do grow in proportion with the temperature plunge – our winter doggies are not easily forgotten. The people that love them think of them every time they shiver in the cold wind; when they open the trash bin lid, heavy with snow; when the see the ones still out in the street, trying to find little warmth closer to people, being chased away…
But in the summer, we humans are rather less capable of compassion – who wants to think of pain and sadness when it is such a lovely sunny day outside? So, in the summer we must make it with half of what we usually find – donations, adoptions and volunteers are scarce in the hot days of Sofia. We still remember that first summer at the shelter 3 years ago, when no one had heard of us. Then, a special Person who would never have her dogs go hungry turned every piece of jewelry she had in her family into food and medications for the shelter dogs… Today things are different. Today, our dogs have friends!
Here is Anton from Chicopee – bringing this month’s donation – 300 kilograms of kibble:
And this is just a tiny bit of the 500 hungry throats that manage to gulp down 300 kilograms of dry dog food on a good day:
The thanks for this donation go to Anton and his Canadian colleagues. Anton told them about our work and together – they made the decision to spend their advertisement budget for something that matters – helping us feed the 500 hungry doggies at the shelter.
We tell them a huge – BRAVO! by clicking a Like on THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE.
Bon appetite, doggies! You will never starve again now that you have friends who care for you!