Dear friends,
dearest most wonderful people,
it is an honor, a happiness, a huge pride for us to announce that from today on and for ever – the Farm belongs to the homeless dogs and cats of Sofia!!!
“It’s not going to happen” – were the words of the PR and fund-raising specialists we asked for ideas to help us make it through to the goal.
“The goal is impossible to achieve” – was the qualification this dream got from the rich foreign foundations we contacted for help.
“This is absolutely impossible in Bulgaria” – were the words we got when we were sent away from the most successful companies in this country.
“We will make it, whatever it takes!” – was your reply exactly 78 days ago when we began the collossal battle to keep ARSofia working for the homeless animals in this city!
With the huge effort of hundreds of volunteers. With the generosity and faith of thousands of donors in and outside of Bulgaria. With the huge help of hundreds journalists and media. With the assistance of our colleagues abroad. With thousands upon thousands of letters, notes, invitations, calls, talks, meetings, events, arrangements, pleas, disappointments and successes…
Sofia will have it’s first non-govermnental shelter:
- independent from the institutions, humane and European;
- ran by the people who truly care about the animals;
- open to everyone – volunteers, visitors and adopters 365 days a year;
- with a clinic that will work 24/7 for the saddest animals in the city;
- and a team that knows what to do and puts the animals’ interest first!
To everyone who donated,
To the amazing people that fought alongside us in this battle – organizing events, engaging friends, working hard in the logistics and the propagation of our cause,
To all that became part in fulfilling this dream,
We say:
YOU ARE MIRACLE-WORKERS, DEAR FRIENDS! You are the living proof that this country has the strenght and resource to go forward! You are the ones who managed to unite whilst everyone else looks for ways to discriminate and divide! You offered a hand of salvation to the most miserable, helpless, poor creatures in a time when everything around is going down with a yell “let’s shut this country down”! You are the reason the Bulgarian parliament has the motto “United, we stand strong”! You are the Humans that will make Bulgaria a better place!
Friends, it’s either that the calendar has got it wrong (only showing the 18-th as the date for today), or the Dog Christmas comes early this year. Because you made the homeless animals the biggest gift you could ever give them. You gave them a Home, you gave them shelter, you officially handed them the chance to be healthy, fed, loved and reach their families. You took care of them!
There aren’t words enough to describe our appreciation. No pint to say that we are touched, bedazzled, inspired, grateful, astonished… words cannot translate even 1/10 of the euphoria that has gotten hold of all of us today – humans and animals. We can only feel humbled and take strength from you – the mighty people who said “we will do all we can to make our Miracle work”.
Bless you all, guardian angels! And may the Good you do come back to you ten times in a hard moment, because that is just how it goes in this world – as we say in Bulgarian “a giving hand never goes broke”. Today we are all richer than the richest man on this planet, because our hearts are filled with Faith, Hope and Love – they are worth more than all the treasures in this world!
With respect and grattitude,
The ARSofia team
P.S. We will be publishing all the information about the “siege” of our new castle in the following days! Today we take our hats off for the Man who gave us the opportunity to buy the Farm in time by lending us a no-interest loan to fill-in what is missing, begin the reconstruction and move over.
P.P.S. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love you!!! HURRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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