Dear friends,our 2015 calendar is now available! It contains 12 stunning photos of dogs from the Farm and, as we are “farmers” now – their more exotic friends! Once again it was created by the fabulous team of Wings Creative Studio! This year the calendar is the same size as last year – 35×50 cm. The price is 10BGN (EUR 5,30). The fabulous calendar has 12 inner pages, one for each month. On every page you will find a photo of a dog from our shelter and a friend of another kind. All farm animals are pets, they are not to be eaten.
Online stores that you can order from:
Where to find our calendars in Sofia:
1. Lozenetz, 25A Cherni Vrah blvd On the side of the HEMUS hotel,
2. 35, Neofit Riski str.
You can order also a delivery at
* * *
Zooland Strelbishte Strelbishte, 26 Mayor Parvan Toshev str.
The amazing team that makes our calendars:
We thank the wonderful team of WINGS for the masterpiece!!! You know the work of Wings through the fabulous calendars they made for us in 2011, 2012 and 2013, 2014 already!