Told by her lovely adopters
Hello! We want to tell you a happy story, it is one that you are in the bottom of. It all began in a lovely summer day – July 26 2013 – when the whole family got into the car. After some wandering around Bogrov we found the shelter and in it – the sweetest creature in the world, a dog that used to be called “The Dwarf from cage 8”. There was no doubt that she was the dog we had always dreamed of. So, two days later Carry (we had to change her name as she is now twice the size of her friends) arrived in her new home.
At first she was shy, her tail always down, as you can see on her adoption photo, but gradually she became the happiest, most social and curious sweetie. Everything was perfect until… a lump on her neck began to grow in a scary way. We went to our local vet where despite all the admiration for being so brave, nothing was done for the condition. So, we called you, you recommended the Central Vet Clinic and we took Carry there. A month after her adoption Carry had to go through not one, but two very messy surgeries – with the accompanying puss, blood, bandages and Victorian collars. But, fingers crossed, it is now all right thanks to the work of d-r Genov.
What is the situation currently: During the day Carry spends her time chewing bones and cuddling with her best stuffed pall Bear (please don’t tell her dog friends about him, they will laugh). She is phenomenally clever and very obedient and already knows “Sit”, “Down”, “Come”, even “Shake paws”.
Adopting a shelter dog is awesome! Still, when people stop to ask for the breed of our cute doggie we answer “She doesn’t have a breed, we adopted her from Animal Rescue Sofia”. The truth is – shelter dogs are the most unique, with the kindest eyes and biggest hearts.
Don’t stop! We support you, as well as so many other people and animals! We wish you luck!
Addie, Alex and Carry’s whole family