Spider the kitten

I heard him crying under the car`s engine. He was really scared, but also brave – he didn`t allow me to go any near him and despite his ‘impressive size’ he was continuously threatening everybody around. Spider has taken a long drive and it was a miracle for me that he had no burns, only thing was he was breathing soot for a while. He needed 30 second to recover and start purring after I took him out. I knew I cannot keep him because I live abroad and I`m here only for few days, but also I could not leave him in the street around the busy crossroad.

He is apparently a month and a half old, gender – male, parasite controlled internally and externally, bathed and brushed, very sweet and endearing!

He immediately understood where the toilet is – I consider him with the perfect hygiene habits, despite he was born in the street.

Spider is looking for home! He loves sleeping in strange places – in the wardrobe or in my hood. He is always looking for some place worm and cozy and he doesn’t bother anyone.

He is the perfect pet!

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