Once upon a time, in a cruel and dark world, only one Bogrov. Home for 500 dogs, each of them with its own harsh destiny, each of them destined to live without love and home. In between all those wonderful dogs are today’s heroes – Bucky and Nick, dogs that possess so much energy they can light up a small village.
Where, when and why they ended up with us, we have no idea. Between all unlucky dogs, we have forgotten their story. No doubt it is a hard story, but we hope the future has prepared something better for them.
This is Bucky. A year and a half neutered and vaccinated athlete. Active, energetic, funny and very playful, but totally invisible for the adopters. Poor boy, he cannot even howl or look sad, hoping that someone would notice him and gift him with, if not the dream home, or the craved walk, then at least with the necessary tenderness to remind him that we – people are friends and somewhere there his own person awaits him!