Regards from two dogs of your acquaintance! Mr Barry and Mrs Dushka have four legs today thanks to your generosity and compassion say “Hi!”. You have given them the biggest of gifts – health.
Barry is a small hunting dog who was dumped by his owners with a broken leg. The people who found him took him to the vet, but unfortunately he didn’t do him any good and nearly cost him his leg. It was your kindness that saved Barry’s leg.
His surgery went well and he is really enjoying the company of his new friends. He is a rarely kind and gentle dog, we really hope he will get better soon and be found by a good person.
Dushka was operated as a last chance of saving her leg – she was shot with a live cartridge and her bone shattered. So thin, so badly wounded, so desperate Dushka was still so happy to see us and gently wagging her tail.
Dushka is recovering and slowly gaining weight. Thanks to the big care of the volunteers she is successfully doing her physiotherapy and sometimes even steps on her operated leg despite the great pain. There is a strong chance that this will work!
PS And don’t be frightened by the lack of information on Snoopy – there is just no news to tell. Snoopy is still in therapy and on his medications, we change his bandages every other day. For the moment it is not clear how if his leg will make it, but he is certainly doing all he can.