Nadia’s BDay party

One more occasion for us to celebrate! Our CEO Nadia threw a lovely birthday party for the ARS team and the people who work and help most in Bogrov. We played crazy games till late night – it was a great evening for all of us! Instead of presents, Nadia raised 250lv for Animal Rescue Sofia – enjoy the photos:

I was told the photos may look weird posted, I was told we look a bit like a cult… Well – aren’t we!?

This is a game we call “The Killer”… Loosers – weepers:

Our vet Nadia Cureva, Annie and Dr.Bobadova lost [left]! Dr.Marieta Stankova and Juja [Peter’s wife] celebrate victory!

Happy birthday, Nadia! We’re so glad we have you!!!

We should do this more often!!!

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