Living on the edge

We don’t hide the situation of “The Farm” is close to a disaster – it has been like this for months and gets worse each day.

Medicines, dog food, supplies – we decide either we buy them or not on spot – day per day and our unpaid bills only become bigger.

Most of the dog carers already left – because of the constant delay of the salaries. Thank God for the really devoted people who stayed despite all.

We even consider reducing the number of the staff members and the dogs at half in order to survive during the summer…

For every expense out of the anyway low budget, we ask for your help.

And in this situation, we must decide:

To bring them home or not?

Transporting dogs to Germany is an expensive task.

May be something we should from now on consider luxury and stop doing it?
Or, may be, it is something that you, our donors should decide?
Here are the ones that have a chance to travel:

Fitz and Sivana

Fitz and Sivana are brother and sister. Their owner abandoned them back in 2011, when they were 5 years old. Several years later a chance appeared for Fitz and he was adopted.
We were very, very happy, but… Sivana stopped eating. She was depressed and sad. Only a week after Fitz was adopted, she was exhausted and we had no choice, but calling the adopters. The information they gave us wasn’t good as well – Fitz was depressed and howling all the time.
As the adopters couldn’t take Sivana, we had no choice but taking Fitz back. The happiness of their reunion was something that proved – the only way we would again rehome Fitz and Sivana was together.
Finding a home for one old dog is very hard. Finding a home for 2 old dogs together…well… impossible. Until  now. Fitz and Sivana have a home in Germany – visited and approved by our partners there.



                                                              Axel Bently

Someone found this wonderful dog roaming the streets of Sofia. We took him immediately – he looked like he was hit by a car and the X-rays proved it. But it was a long time ago and his spine was broken. Why is he walking was an enigma for the vets. And because they couldn’t say why he was still walking, they also couldn’t predict his future condition. Probably the lack of guarantees for his health is the reason he couldn’t find his people in Bulgaria.


She is young and beautiful – an easy goal for rehoming. And she was adopted. And then turned back to the shelter. And then adopted again. And then we took her back, because living on a chain was not how we were promised she’ll live. Pollyana has a chance for a new beginning. Finally.


She came here with her puppies and as often happens – they were adopted and she stayed. Big, black dog – normal.

The teenagers

Dogs aged from 7 to 11 months. They have different backgrounds – some had homes, some foster homes.




The common between them is they can go to Germany…or stay in Bulgaria and spend the next few years waiting, like Fitz and Sivana have waited for their chance for 7 years!


Dear friends,

We try to avoid being overdramatic, but this time your help is a question of survival for us.

Not only for the transport, but for The Farm as well. Thank you!

Please, help us continue our work by donating:

37 Dragan Tzankov blvd, Sofia, BG
IBAN BGN: BG07FINV91501215999954
IBAN EUR: BG50FINV91501215999956
BENEFICIARY: A R Sofia Foundation
ADDRESS: 23 James Bourchier blvd, Sofia, BG

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