Oversea Behaviour Workshop – 21.06-24.06.18

Dogs trust is the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, caring for over 15,000 dogs a year across 21 rehoming cenres.

Dogs Trust’s sister charity Dogs Trust Worldwide, focuses on sharing their experience with other animal charities around the world to improve dog welfare.

They will be delivering a free Overseas Behaviour Workshop (OBW) in Sofia, Bulgaria, in partnership with Animal Rescue Sofia.


The 4 day workshop taught by qualified Training and Behaviour specialists focuses on understanding dog behaviour through theoretical teaching and practical demonstrations, covering topics ranging from training methods, assessing body language and stereotypical behaviours; to dominance theory, enrichment, socialisation and improving adoptions.’

The speakers:

Steve Goward:

Steve Goward is currently the Behaviour Development Manager at Dogs Trust, in the United Kingdom, where he is responsible for identifying and managing staff development needs specifically in Dog Training and Behaviour across different areas of Dogs Trust activity. Steve started as a volunteer at the Dogs Trust Rehoming Centre, in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, back in 2000, whilst studying animal welfare as a mature student at a local college.  On completion of his diploma he became a full time canine carer where he built up his experience working with dogs in a kennel environment, and in 2004 he took over as the Training and Behaviour Advisor for the Shrewsbury centre. After 6 years in this role, he was promoted to Deputy Head of Canine Behaviour & Training where he supported all of the Dogs Trusts centres across the UK with staff training and advice on behaviour and welfare.

Steve has studied canine behaviour to enable him to help dogs that are struggling to cope, both in the kennel environment and once they go to new homes, as part of the aftercare offered by Dogs Trust.  He has presented case studies and spoken at seminars including the Dogs Trust International Companion Animal Welfare Conference (ICAWC), the Scottish Association of Pet Dog Trainers, the Association of Charity Vets, The National Dog Welfare Conference Chennai India, Cancun University Vet Dept. and the National Dog Technical Support Group.  He has spoken on subjects including stereotypical behaviours, learning sets, dog aggression & learning theory, welfare and quality of life, positive training methods and safe dog handling.  Steve has presented workshops on behaviour at shelters in many countries all over the world.

Jenna Kiddie PhD, Canine Behaviour Manager

Jenna Kiddie is currently the Canine Behaviour Manager at Dogs Trust in the United Kingdom, where she works collaboratively with colleagues across Dogs Trust to create and review dog training and behaviour materials and to advise and implement policy changes.

Jenna’s interest in shelter animal behaviour and welfare developed during her time at Bristol Veterinary School, UK, where she completed a Senior Clinical Training Scholarship in Cat Behaviour and Welfare, funded by Cats Protection. Since then she has developed this interest further by gaining a PhD in the assessment of kennelled dog quality of life at the Royal Veterinary College, funded by Dogs Trust, as well as working as an Education Officer with the Scottish SPCA and as a Scientific Officer for the RSPCA’s Companion Animal Department. While she was a Teaching Fellow at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, and then as a Senior Lecturer in Animal Behaviour and Welfare at Anglia Ruskin University Jenna began to share her knowledge and skills with students, academics, and other animal behaviour and welfare stakeholders internationally, as well as in the UK, through lecturing, presenting at scientific conferences, and running behaviour workshops at local animal shelters.

The course will be entirely in English and the places are limited.
If you are interested in attending the course, please contact us before June 5th at:

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